BiopureTM ISO 17034 (Certified) Reference Materials


BiopureTM ISO 17034 (Certified) Reference Materials


CAT NO: 10006705

SKU: EA-153-336


BiopureTM ISO 17034 (Certified) Reference Materials

BiopureTM ISO 17034 (Certified) Reference Materials

Biopure Aflatoxin G1 (CRM, ISO 17034) – 2 µg/mL in acetonitrile, 5 ml

Description & Properties

BiopureTM ISO 17034 (Certified) Reference Materials are produced under the ISO 17034 accreditation and fulfill all requirements specified in the ISO 17034 (General requirements for the competence of reference material producers) including metrological traceability, stability and homogeneity. ISO 17034 Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) are fully metrologically traceable in that their measurements of concentration and uncertainty relate to certified materials available on the market through an unbroken chain of comparisons with stated uncertainties; CRMs are furthermore well characterized by several competent analytical labs. This ensures that the certified value with uncertainty can be calculated with a high degree of reliability. In the case of some mycotoxins, certified materials typically used to ensure such a high level of traceability are not available. Although these materials undergo the same process of characterization according to ISO 17034, they cannot be considered certified; these are simply called ISO 17034 Reference Materials (RMs).

Mycotoxins Aflatoxins, Deoxynivalenol, Fumonisines, Ochratoxins, T-2/HT-2, Trichotecenes A, Trichotecenes B, Zearalenone
Technology/Application ISO17034
Storage Temperature 2°C – 8°C
Product/Environment Product Testing