Bluetooth 4 Channel Datalogging Thermometer “NEW”


Bluetooth® 4 Channel Datalogging Thermometer

Product Code- 800025

Manufacturer – SPER Scientific, USA

5 Year Warranty, CE, Bluetooth®

SKU: EA-5302-105



Wirelessly Display, Log and Download

• Bluetooth®
• Hi / Lo Alarms
• Δ (T1-T2)
• Min / Max / Ave / Hold
• K,J,E,T, N, R, or S

This unique portable thermometer displays data from four K,J,E,T,N,R, or S type thermocouple probes simultaneously on a large multi-line LCD, computer software, and an App. All temperature data and 4 independent alarms can be programmed with both an audible and visual alarm through the phone App. As an added feature, the thermometer unit itself can also be set to audibly alarm on Channel 1, allowing an operator without a cell phone to respond to out of tolerance situations. Up to 32,000 points on each channel can be streamed from up to 100-ft away. Data can be recorded internally and downloaded at a later time or monitored in real-time. All four channels have an offset feature for probes with known tolerances. All included software and Apps allow graphical, Tabulated (Excel®), Min/max/avg, and delta data to be observed, saved, and shared. The unit comes ready to use in a custom foam-lined case with four AAA batteries, two Type K beaded wire probes, micro USB cable, free downloadable computer software, and free downloadable Apps for Android version 4.4 (“KitKat and above”) and iOS. N.I.S.T. Traceable Certificate of Compliance available.

Dimensions: 7¼” × 2½” × 1¼” (184 × 75 × 29 mm)


Certificate of Compliance Traceable to N.I.S.T.
Specifies that the standards against which the product has been certified or calibrated were themselves calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.), or with N.I.S.T. calibrated equipment under conditions specified by N.I.S.T.