Calibration Shims for Paint Thickness Gauges



CAT NO: 3740 | 3741 | 3771 | 3772 | 3773 | 3774 | 3775 | 3776 | 3778 | 3779 | 3781 | 7102 | 7105 | 7106 | 7110 | 7120 | 7140



Calibration Shims for Paint Thickness Gauges

Calibration Shims for Paint Thickness Gauges

Product Highlights for Calibration Shims for Paint Thickness Gauges

Calibration Shims 25-500 µm
Paint Thickness Gauge Calibration Standard

Thickness:25 µm (1 mils), 50 µm (2 mils),125 µm (4.9 mils), 250 µm (9.8 mils), 500 µm (19.7 mils), zero plates for Fe/NFe


These plastic shims aid in the calibration of thickness gages on ferrous or non-ferrous metallic substrates. Plastic shims can be
used to calibrate on the actual test substrate.

  • Traceable to NIST or BAM standard
  • Used to comply with ISO compliance
  • All Fischer foils are certified and serialized
  • They are traceable to NIST
  • All ranges are approximate and will be as close as possible to your requested thickness
  • ISO 17025 Certification also available
  • 4 options available:
    • Copper Beryllium Calibration Standards – for use with magnetic inductance applications only (1.5″ x 1″)
    • Precision Plastic Shims – also known as Mylar Calibration Foils (1.5″ x 1.5″) (Part no. 11244 is 1.5″ x 1″)
    • Phenolic Calibration Standards (1.5″ x 1.5″)
    • Calibration Shim Kits – include set of 5 calibration shims, Fe zero plate, and NFe zero plate

Additional information


Calibration Shims 25-500 μm, Calibration Shims 11-980 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 5.5 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 11 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 22.5 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 35.5 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 48 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 100 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 350 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 485 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 254 μm, Precision Plastic Shim 2.0 mils, Precision Plastic Shim 5.0 mils, Precision Plastic Shim 6.0 mils, Precision Plastic Shim 10.0 mils, Precision Plastic Shim 20.0 mils, Phenolic Standard 40.0 mils