
Compact Infrared Camera / THT33


Compact Infrared Camera / THT33

80×80 thermocamera with BlueTooth interface

Product Model: THT33

Manufacturer: HT-Instruments

Availability: Available on backorder SKU: AME-5225-00


Compact Infrared Camera / THT33

Compact Infrared Camera  / THT33

THT33 was designed for any application in the thermal imaging field. It enables you to save thermal images into its internal memory under BMP format as well as display and share those pictures on your mobile devices (tablets/smartphones) through Bluetooth connection and special APP HTMercury. THT33 is provided with IR sensor with resolution (80x80pxl) making it suitable for maintenance operations on every type of industrial installations. This model has a wide temperature range (max. 380°C) granting you the opportunity of carrying out advanced analysis including up to 3 measuring points on each picture. It is the ideal device to detect electrical faults, check of mechanical parts, analysis of hydraulic systems, forced ventilation, etc.