
Conductivity Standard 23.8 µS/cm @25°C

Reagecon’s Conductivity Standard at 25°C is tested by an ISO 17025 Accredited Test Method (A2LA Ref: 6739.03) and NIST traceable. The product is aqueous based; non-hazardous and accurate to a specification of ± 1%.

Additional Details

Pack Size 500ml
Weight 0.62
Weight Unit Kg
Tariff Code 3822 190090
Country of Origin Ireland


To enable analysts to achieve the correct result when measuring conductivity and to prove the correctness of that result; Reagecon has developed a high quality range of Conductivity Standards; which can be used for calibration of conductivity senors; quality control; method validation and instrument qualification.
Reagecon Conductivity Standards are aqueous based; thereby eliminating any errors attributable to matrix mismatch.
Directly traceable to NIST standard reference materials; meets the specification requirements of all the major Pharmacopoeias.
Each bottle is supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and has a table of conductivity variation with temperature available via the product label; as are lot numbers and expiry dates for user convenience.
The low temperature coefficient of variation; reduces measurement errors and enables non-temperature controlled use and is suitable for field work.
High accuracy ± 1% at 25°C; enables the standards to be used as calibrators and/or controls; in accordance with the most exacting industrial requirements.
Manufactured to exacting specifications with an extended shelf life and stability; even after opening the bottle thereby eliminating the requirement to open a fresh bottle of standard every time it is used.


Conductivity Standard, Conductivity Material
Value 23.8 µS/cm ± 1%
Additional Information Accuracy ± 1.0% µS/cm
Tested at 25°C
Use With Conductivity Meters
Packaging HDPE Bottle GL45
Physical Form Liquid
Conductivity Standard, Conductivity Material
Value 23.8 µS/cm ± 1%
Additional Information Accuracy ± 1.0% µS/cm
Tested at 25°C
Use With Conductivity Meters
Packaging HDPE Bottle GL45
Physical Form Liquid