Cylindrical Mandrel Tester




Cylindrical Mandrel Tester

Cylindrical Mandrel Tester

Cylindrical Mandrel Set, ISO
Lever Bend Tester with multiple specific size mandrels

  • Rod diameters from 2 to 32 mm
  • Handle design to make it easy to bend the metal panel
  • Product selection is compliant with method ISO 1519

Features for Cylindrical Mandrel Tester

Cylindrical mandrel testers evaluate a coating’s flexibility in regards to bending properties. A coated sheet metal is bent over a defined radius to evaluate elongation / adhesion as well as resistance to cracking.
The test procedure for elongation check is performed with fast speed (1s), while cracking is evaluated with slow speed (15 sec). The smaller the bend radius, the greater the material flexibility.
They are used in QC for simple Pass/Fail check or in R&D to determine the smallest mandrel size.

Two models are available:

  • Hand Bend Tester, a low cost solution with simple hand operation for Pass/Fail test according to ASTM D522.
  • Lever Bend Tester with operation using a lever for Pass/Fail test according to ISO 1519.


Additional information


Cylindrical Mandrel Set, ISO, Cylindrical Mandrel Set, ASTM