Digital Pressure module,0.02%FS, -15 to 3000 psi, Compound pressure, M20X1.5 M


Manufacturer: ADDITEL


Digital Pressure module,0.02%FS, -15 to 3000 psi, Compound pressure, M20X1.5 M

SKU: AME-11171-263


Digital Pressure module,0.02%FS, -15 to 3000 psi, Compound pressure, M20X1.5 M

OVERVIEW of Digital Pressure module,0.02%FS, -15 to 3000 psi, Compound pressure, M20X1.5 M

With advanced microprocessor technology and state-of-the-art silicon pressure sensors, the Additel 160 series Intelligent Digital Pressure Module (IDPM) provides an accurate, reliable, and economic solution for wide range of pressure applications. It is loaded with functionality and remarkably easy to use. In order to reach the best performance, every silicon pressure sensor in the module has been specially aged, tested and screened before assembly. Designed as external pressure module for Additel 760 automatic handheld pressure calibrator, Additel 761 automated pressure calibrator and Additel 222A, Additel 223A  and Additel 761 calibrators, the Additel 160 IDPM is unmatched in performance and reliability.

K 40000 2800 G , L 0.1 1.35x
GP50K 50000 3500 G , L 0.1 1.2x
GP60K 60000 4200 G , L 0.1 1.1x
[1]. Sealed gauge pressure for above 1000 psi [2]. G=Gas, L=Liquid


Differential Pressure
P/N Pressure Range[1] Media Accuracy (%FS) Burst Pressure Static Pressure Range
(inH2O) (mbar)
DP1 ±1 ±2.5 G 0.05[2] 100× ±10 psi
DP2 ±2 ±5.0 G 0.05[2] 100× ±10 psi
DP5 ±5 ±10 G 0.05[2] 50× ±10 psi
DP10 ±10 ±25 G 0.05[2] 20× ±10 psi
DP20 ±20 ±50 G 0.05 20× ±10 psi
DP30 ±30 ±75 G 0.05 20× ±10 psi
DP50 ±50 ±160 G 0.05 ±10 psi
DP150 ±150 ±350 G 0.02 50 psi
DP300 ±300 ±700 G 0.02 50 psi
[1] FS specification applies to the span of the range. Accuracy includes 1 year stability. [2] 0.05%FS accuracy (incl 6 months stability). One year accuracy is 0.05%FS calibration accuracy combined with 0.05%FS one year stability.


Compound Pressure
P/N Pressure Range Media Accuracy Pressure Rating
psig bar.g Burst Over Pressure
CP2 ±2 ±0.16 G 0.05% FS 3x 1.2x
CP5 ±5 ±0.35 G 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP10 ±10 ±0.7 G 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP15 ±15 ±1.0 G 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP30 -15 to 30 -1 to 2.0 G 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP50 -15 to 50 -1 to 3.5 G 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP100 -15 to 100 -1 to 7.0 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP300 -15 to 300 -1 to 20 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP500 -15 to 500 -1 to 35 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP600 -15 to 600 -1 to 40 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP1K -15 to 1,000 -1 to 70 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP2K -15 to 2,000 -1 to 140 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP3K -15 to 3,000 -1 to 200 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP5K -15 to 5,000 -1 to 350 G,L 0.02% FS 3x 1.2x
CP10K -15 to 10,000 -1 to 700 G,L 0.02% FS 2x 1.2x


Absolute Pressure
P/N Pressure Range Media Accuracy (%FS) Burst Pressure
psi bar
AP5 5 0.35 G 0.1
AP10 10 0.7 G 0.1
AP15 15 1 G 0.1
AP30 30 2 G 0.1
AP50 50 3.5 G 0.1
AP100 100 7 G , L 0.05 (0.1)
AP300 300 20 G , L 0.05 (0.1)
AP500 500 35 G , L 0.05 (0.1)
AP1K 1000 70 G , L 0.05 (0.1)
AP3K 3000 200 G , L 0.05 (0.1)
AP5K 5000 350 G , L 0.05 (0.1)


Precision Sensors[1] – Absolute Pressure
P/N Pressure Range Media Accuracy[2] Pressure Rating
psia bar.a Burst Over Pressure
AP15R 0 to 15 0 to 1 G 0.01% FS 2x 1.2x
AP30R 0 to 30 0 to 2 G 0.01% rdg or 0.003% FS whichever is greater 2x 1.2x
AP50R 0 to 50 0 to 3.5 G 0.01% rdg or 0.003% FS whichever is greater 2x 1.2x
AP100R 0 to 115 0 to 8 G,L 0.01% rdg or 0.003% FS whichever is greater 2x 1.2x
AP300R 0 to 315 0 to 21 G,L 0.01% rdg or 0.003% FS whichever is greater 2x 1.2x
AP500R 0 to 515 0 to 36 G,L 0.01% rdg or 0.003% FS whichever is greater 2x 1.2x
AP1KR 0 to 1,015 0 to 71 G,L 0.01% rdg or 0.003% FS whichever is greater 2x 1.2x
AP2KQ 0 to 2,015 0 to 141 G 0.005% rdg + 0.005% FS 3x 1.1x
AP3KQ 0 to 3,015 0 to 201 G 0.005% rdg + 0.005% FS 3x 1.1x
AP6KQ 0 to 6,000 0 to 400 G,L 0.01% FS 3x 1.2x
AP10KQ 0 to 10,000 0 to 700 G,L 0.01% FS 2x 1.2x
AP15KQ 0 to 15,000 0 to 1000 G,L 0.01% FS 2x 1.2x
AP20KQ 0 to 20,000 0 to 1400 G,L 0.01% FS 2x 1.2x
AP30KQ 0 to 30,000 0 to 2000 G,L 0.02% FS 1.5x 1.1x
AP40KQ 0 to 40,000 0 to 2800 G,L 0.02% FS 1.5x 1.1x
[1] Contact Additel for other range options. [2] Accuracy includes calibration uncertainty, linearity and long-term stability.


Barometric Pressure
P/N Pressure Range Media Accuracy Burst Pressure
Low High
BP 60 kPa 110 kPa G 40 Pa