

Moving-coil meters MA16, MA17, MA19 and MA12 types are destined to measure d.c. voltage or d.c. current and other physical quantities converted into a current or voltage standard signal.



SKU: AMA-5125-134



Moving-coil meters MA16, MA17, MA19 and MA12 types are destined to measure d.c. voltage or d.c. current and other physical quantities converted into a current or voltage standard signal.

Moving-coil meters with built-in rectifiers MA17P, MA19P and MA12P types are destined to measure a.c. voltage or a.c. current converted into a current or voltage standard signal.

The panel meters type MA12. MA16. MB16. MA17. MA19 are designed to measure current or DC voltage. Magnetoelectric meters with built-in rectifier type MA12P. MA17P. MA19P. are intended for measuring the effective currents and alternating current with sinusoidal waveform. Me-asurement of the current and voltage of the non-sinusoidal waveform is subject to a large error proportional to the degree of deformation of the waveform. what follows from the principle of measuring the rectifier device. which reacts to the average value of the straight-run. but it is calibrated like this. to indicate the effective value of the sinusoidal waveform. Where the noninusoidal course is appropriately characte-rized. this measurement error is calculated.Therefore, the requirements for the influence of the shape of the curve for the medium-responsive instrument (straightened) are not specified in the standard EN 60051-2.MA12 meters. MA16. MA17. MA19 are suitable for mounting in a panel of thickness not exceeding 25 mm in the holes according to Figures 3 and 4. The meter MB16 is suitable for snap fastening on the 35 mm rail bracket according to EN 60715.