Shaft alignment system large without display unit / Easy-Laser XT660

Shaft alignment system large without display unit /   Easy-Laser XT660

Product Code: 121059

Manufacturer: Easy-Laser

SKU: AME-5223-05


Product description

The XT660 measuring units utilize dot laser technology. This makes it possible to measure larger machines and longer spans than line laser systems. It also provides higher accuracy when backlash in the coupling is present. In addition, dot laser allows you to check more things when installing a machine, e.g. twist of foundation and bearing clearance.

With the XT660 you have a choice of several different measurement methods, e.g. continuous sweep and multipoint. This gives you the flexibility you need to achieve the perfect measurement result.

The XT products are rugged, rated both IP66 and IP67 water and dust proof. Along with long operating times, this guarantees you will be able to take on and finish even the tougher jobs.



Use the rugged Easy-Laser XT11 display unit, or install the free XT Alignment app on your iOS or Android device*. The intuitive user interface guides you through the measurement process.

Unique documentation possibilities

The XT11 display unit has a 13MP camera. You can also get the XT11 display unit with a built-in IR camera**. This means you can add a thermal image of the machine before and after alignment. You can easily create and share a PDF report containing all measurement data and images.


Part No: 12-1059

Shaft alignment system large including display unit /   Easy-Laser XT660 contains one each of the following accessories:


Measurement programs

Horizontal machines

The user interface is intuitive and guide you through the measurement process. It is animated and zooms into the most important things for each step. You can save the measurements of a machine for As found and As left in the same file.

Vertical/flange mounted machines

For measurement and alignment of vertically and flange mounted machines.

Machine train (3 machines)

For alignment of machine trains with three machines. You can pick the reference machine manually, or let the program choose one that will minimize the need for adjustments.

Easy-Laser XT machine train
Soft foot check

Alignment work begins with a soft foot check. The soft foot check ensures that the machine is resting evenly on all its feet by indicating which foot/feet should be adjusted. This is an important part of securing a reliable alignment. After the soft foot check is complete, you can go directly to the alignment program with all of the machine’s distance values saved.

Twist measurement

Program to measure flatness/twist of, for example, machine foundation, machine tables, etc.

Values – digital dial indicators

The Values program has a clear digital representation of the laser target, and a list view for recorded values. Use it to measure as with dial gauges and to check bearing play.

Belt alignment*

Using the system you can align sheaves and pulleys with digital precision. Adjustment of the machines is displayed in real time on the screen, with readings for angle and axial displacement in both the vertical and horizontal axes, as well as an adjustment value for the front or rear foot pair. The result can be documented as normal. (Requires the XT190 BTA accessory.)

Vibration analysis*

Diagnose vibration level, unbalance, misalignment and looseness. (Requires the XT280 accessory.)


Measurement points are recorded at fixed points 9, 12 and 3 o’clock. This is the classic three-point method which can be used in most cases.

EasyTurn™ function

The EasyTurn™ function allows you to begin the measurement process from anywhere on the turn. You can turn the shaft to any three positions with as little as 20° between each position to register the measurement values. Voila! Measurement is complete!

Continuous sweep

Automatic recording of measurement values during continuous sweeping of the shaft. Hundreds of points are registered. You can start anywhere on the turn. Quality check of measurement is provided.

Multi point

Multi point is basically the same as EasyTurn™, but instead you can record multiple points on the sector rotated. This will provide an optimized calculation basis. Perfect for e.g. turbine and sliding bearing applications.


Display unit XT11

Rugged, robust, rubber coated design. IP66 and 67, dust- water- and shockproof. As standard a 13 MP camera for documentation is built-in*, and you can also choose to add an IR camera to the XT11.

Glove enabled touch-screen

A large 8″, glove enabled touch-screen makes the information clear and the app easy to use. The small OLED display shows battery status of both measuring units and display unit. You can check battery status also when the unit is turned off. The clever lock-screen button prevents unintentional clicks, for instance when moving between work positions.The camera can be removed if security reasons require.


  • Robust, rubber coated design, IP66/67.
  • Large 8” glove enabled touch-screen.
  • Screen-lock button.
  • OLED display shows the battery status.
  • IR Camera for thermal images (optional).
  • 16 hours operating time.

Measuring units XT60-M / XT60-S

The XT60 measuring units utilize dot-type laser and 1-axis square PSD surfaces. A state-of-the-art OLED display shows the angle of the unit, making it easier to position it on the shaft.

Rigid and rugged

The diagonally positioned fastening screws set the unit in a grid-lock on the rods. Rigid aluminium housing for maximum stability. IP66 and 67, dust- water- and shockproof. Heavy-duty battery for very long operating times. Built-in wireless technology.


Display unit